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If you are an Irish resident and currently have a deposit account, then DIRT applies to you.
Deposit accounts held with financial institutions pay an annual rate of interest in return for saving with them. The interest you receive it subject to tax, called Deposit Interest Retention Tax (DIRT).
For 2020, the current DIRT rate is 33%, falling from 41% since 2016. If interest is received from an account in another EU member state, this is also subject to 33% and must be included in your annual tax return.
DIRT is deducted by the relevant financial institution in advance of interest being paid, once included in your annual tax return, no further tax or USC is due.
The following can receive interest DIRT-free or apply for a DIRT refund;
Contact us today to begin preparing your 2019 return 01 539 7999 or info@itasaccounting.ie