What is SARP?

SARP provides Income Tax relief to employees that are assigned to work in Ireland from abroad by their relevant employer.

What is a relevant employer?

A relevant employer must be a company that is incorporated and tax resident in a country in which Ireland has a double taxation or a Tax Information Exchange agreement with.

How do you qualify?

You can claim SARP by meeting the following criteria;

  • You arrive in Ireland between 2012 – 2020, at the request of your employer
  • You worked for your employer for 6 months before arriving in Ireland
  • Your employment in Ireland is for a minimum of 12 consecutive months
  • You were not tax resident in Ireland for the preceding 5 tax years
  • You remain a tax resident in Ireland for all years you claim SARP relief
  • You earn a minimum basic salary of €75,000 per annum, excluding bonuses, commissions, etc
Calculating the relief

A proportion of your salary is disregarded for Income Tax, i.e for 2019, the proportion available is 30% of your income over €75,000 up to €1 million.

This would apply if you commenced employment in Ireland on or after 01st January 2019.

Example – Year 1 only
Mary’s Salary €100,000
SARP Threshold €75,000
Balance remaining over threshold €25,000
Balance @ 30% €7,500
Relief @ 40% €3,000

Therefore, Mary is due €3,000 tax refund.
You can also receive certain travel expenses and tuition costs tax free.

How do you apply?

Employers are required to complete a Form SARP 1A for each employee and submit to Revenue within 90 days of the employee arriving in Ireland.

A tax return must be completed by an employee for each year they claim the relief.

Should you be claiming this relief? Contact us today 01 539 7999
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