Managing payroll effectively is essential for every business. A small mistake can lead to fines, compliance issues, or even unhappy employees. With the start of a new year, now is the time to review your payroll processes and avoid common errors that could cost your...
PAYE Modernisation Since the start of 2019, your income and statutory deductions are submitted to Revenue each time you are paid. Under PAYE Modernisation, employers no longer provide a Form P60. Instead, from January 2020 you will be able to view, download or print...
Revenue issued their 2018 Annual Report on 09th May confirming Revenue collected net Exchequer receipts of €54.6 billion last year. Chairman, Niall Cody stated that; ‘when compared to 2017, net Exchequer receipts increased by €4 billion. There were increased receipts...
PAYE Modernisation comes into effect on the 1st January 2019. Employers will be obliged to report their employee’s pay and deductions to Revenue when/before they are paid. Employers will be required to electronically submit a file called a PSR (Payroll Submission...
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